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彭小娱 /乌有之乡—乌托邦艺术餐厅设计( 2014-2015年度国际环艺创新设计作品大赛“餐饮空间方案类一等奖”)

发布日期:2017-04-06 编辑: 审核人:chuanmei 来源:伟德国际1946源于英国 阅读次数:[]

The building used to be a plant with a spacious structure. Located in the suburbs, it is surrounded by green hulls and clear waters. Party A plans to create a utopian VIP restaurant in an ideal world. For the innovative design element of “bizarre mask", we combine the definition of utopia with the different forms of peripatetic space. The combination of soft and hard materials prevents the space from being stiff and stereotyped. Instead, it presents the emotional look in the plant framework, in which people can feel the warmth of the design and enjoy the comfortable environment as they dine here.




版权所有:伟德国际1946源于英国 - bv1949.vip copyright  all rightRearved.